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"Amounting to Much" Growing up I delivered papers while very young. People used to tease me asking if I thought I'd ever amount to anything...
"Growing Up" From humble beginnings to blessing countless lives...Forsyth Baptist Church has spawned many ministers over the years.
"Arm Yourselves!" Participating in Sword Drills when I was young helped prepare me for the ministry later in life.
"Reading is Rewarding" The Bookmobile provided lots more reading choices for kids in grade school. The best choice is the Bible.
"I Want to Be Like..." My heroes have always been TV cowboys, or soldiers, or spies, or detectives.... but I should want to be like Jesus.
"False Advertising" PF flyers did not make me run faster or jump higher! Sin's promises don't come through either!
"Only One Opinion Counts" My dad was an umpire. No other opinion counted when making the calls. Only God's opinion matters in life's calls!
"What's in a Name?" A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Ah, but your reputation (a good name) DOES matter!
"Get the Whole List!" We aren't allowed to pick only the character traits or blessings of being a Christian that we like. We should work toward the whole list!
To work thru the devotions daily, start with Terry on the "horse." Hover over any pic to see what day it goes with. Each will open up to a larger pic with a comment about the devotion and a link to it.